Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Baby Bird?

The guilty yarn eater.

So, I attempted to make a baby bird, with my "blue sock yarn." Turns out, it's a "aqua ombre" I Love This Cotton yarn. More green than blue, really. I used a smaller needle with it, and the head still turned out the same size as the other bird heads. To make matters worse, this was a yarn that Puzzle (my hubby's sheltie) had munched on, forcing me to cut some strands out, and join new strands on.

The question now is, do I want a seventh bird, or a baby bird? I've already had to use a blue/green in another bird, so the lack of blue-ness doesn't bother me so much. But I'd thought a baby bird would be cute! Maybe if I don't give him an eye? And maybe no legs? Or would that just look like a demented bird? (Definitely not doing this on a red background, even though that contrast would look nice...) I've done some sketches, but I'm just not feeling it.

I thought I could at least be productive and weave in more ends, but that's just no fun. So I'll just stew for awhile.

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