Wednesday, July 6, 2011

From Birds to Daisies!

It's been awhile. When I last left you, I had finished backgrounding the birds, and was starting to think about putting them together. Which was where I hit a bit of a brick wall. Not only do I have to figure out HOW to sew these things together, they are all wonky-shaped.

So, then I decided to work on my daisy afghan. See, it's made of squares that you put together. I still would have to figure out how to sew them together, but at least the squares would make figuring it out easier, right? Only, I haven't enough squares yet...

Thus, I'm making more daisy squares. See, it's not unrelated to my birdie afghan!

A further complication: I decided to make this afghan in the "Babette" style, ie squares of different sizes. I had gotten frustrated with this before, in trying to figure out how to arrange the squares together. I'd tried to come up with a plan, which would then tell me how many squares of what sizes I needed to make. But, that was too frustrating, so I just decided to make squares.

Enough words, let's get to the pictures!
The above picture is the standard square, which in my world ranges from 6.75 in to 8 in.

Above, is the oversize squares, ranging from 9 in to 9.5 in. The square on the bottom right has had a row added to the center, and two additional rows to the petals. And is crocheted uber-tightly (why?) The square on the bottom left uses an uber-thick yarn for the petals. I had to keep redoing this, I just couldn't crochet loosely! I ended up switching between needles, to a fat one for the petals, and something more normal for the white, which is why the petal tips appear to go right to the border. Probably could have added an extra row of white on this one.

Lastly, the smalls and minis. Smalls range from 5.5 in to 6.5in, and the minis are 3.75 in to 4.25 in.

I'm still debating on the minis. I think the six petals look better (aren't crocheted deathly tight), but then they're different from the rest of the daisies. The minis are made by converting all dc (in the center, flower, and background rows coinciding with petal rows) to sc. The background rows after the flower is finished is left the same. Some final squaring off also occurs in the border round.

The small on the bottom right is on the verge of not getting used. I had modified the pattern to make it smaller, but the petals are too skinny on it for my tastes. Not when using a finer yarn (the varigated and royal blue) work just as well, and maintain a consistent pattern.

Just in case you doubted the size variability.

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