Saturday, July 30, 2011

Flowers, Continued

I've still been working hard on the flower manufacturing. In a Babette, the squares you'll need the most of is small squares, so I've been trying to focus on making tiny squares.

New squares:

The small one on the far left is made with all new blues. I've got a spreadsheet going, to make sure I have something resembling a uniform distribution (I'd discovered I was using "delft" a lot more than I'd thought). So, I've had to name the blues something descriptive, which I could remember. Some of the tags on my older blue yarn have long since disappeared, so I created new names. I am able to use the tagged name of the yarn on the new blues, which worked for "robin" and "aqua," but the third was "Cadet." If someone told you a color was "cadet," would you know it was a shade of blue? After discussing it with hubby, who suggested "Soldier Uniform Blue," we went with "Atlantic." It's a grayish blue, like the color of the ocean. Sort of.

At one point during the month, hubby inadvertently took my modified pattern for the baby squares to work. So, with only the original pattern to work with, I decided to make another "different" square. For the most part, my squares have blue for the center, petals, and border, with a white background. I decided to make another all blue square, for fun.

All the different squares are below: I think the white petals photograph better, but I like the blue, blue ones better in real life.

Of course, none of the ends are woven in yet. Hubby will be home all next week and sedentary. I told him that he could work on weaving in ends, but he just laughed...

For the record, the shades of blue I've got going are:

* Out of this yarn
** Crazy thick yarn

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